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Corporate philosophy

Corporate philosophy

Our fire protection systems provide security

Your safety is our priority. With our fire protection equipment, you would be concerned about this fire protection and avoid that high damage.

We protect your building and give you security

Identifying and preventing risks is a fundamental management task. The fire risk at companies is often underestimated.

Fires represent a risk to life and limb for the workforce. They can also have a devastating effect on business, even if the actual seat of the fire is small. In many cases, the data losses and production stoppages resulting from a fire prove much more serious than the direct damage to property. Such risks can easily be prevented with the relevant expertise.

This includes finding the right technical solution – a fire protection system that covers the risk specifically and thus cost-effectively, that prevents secondary damage and is absolutely reliable when it matters. If it takes a fire to show whether a system has been planned correctly, it’s already too late to do anything about it.

Companies in all the key sectors benefit from our expertise – in trade and industry, in logistics and in particular where large projects require a high level of performance across the board. What’s more, with ten sites throughout Germany we are never far away.
You can rely on us!

Stefan Falk

We regularly support social projects

The Fire Protection Solutions Group has been supporting SOS Children’s Village Harksheide for many years.

For over 60 years, the SOS Children’s Village Harksheide has been providing a second home for children and adolescents that can no longer grow up with their parents.

Aktion Mensch

Since 2015, the Fire Protection Solutions Group has consistently supported the Disability, Child and Youth Services of Aktion Mensch.

Deutsche Knochenmark Stiftung

In July 2018, the Fire Protection Solutions Group supported DKMS (Deutsche Knochenmark Stiftung) with a donation.

Fire Protection Solutions offers a wide range of fire protection products. In addition to various fire protection systems, we also provide our own in-house solutions.

More about our products

From planning to installation and maintenance – Fire Protection Solutions offers a wide range of services.

More about our services

Fire Protection Solutions Brandschutz Feuerschutz Anne Stolz 1Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579